What are twiddle muffs and how do you knit them?
Are you looking for a new knitting project? If so, why not try making a twiddle muff? Let’s take a look at what twiddle muffs are and how you can make them.
What is a twiddle muff?
A twiddle muff is a soft woollen muff, or tube of wool, with embellishments called ‘twiddles’ on both sides. These provide a form of stimulation for anyone who has restless hands or is confused or stressed; what’s more, the knitting process can provide stress relief.
These soft and easy muffs are great for people who have dementia, so they are often distributed in hospitals and care homes and personalised with the recipient’s name to avoid any risks of cross-infection.
Hospitals in particular have an ongoing need for these soft and handy items, and volunteers will often make them. Twiddle muffs can also be great for children who have sensory needs or autism spectrum conditions, who like to have something to do with their fingers.
How are twiddle muffs made?
Many people make twiddle muffs using odds and ends of yarn they have in their stash. You may also be able to buy knitting kits; for example, Wool Couture knitting kits have all the materials and instructions you need to make something from scratch. Another benefit is that there will be no waste.
If you are making your own twiddle muffs, you will need about 150g of wool oddments, a pair of needles, and a tapestry needle for sewing the wool into a circular muff. You will also need a variety of trimmings, beats, buttons, and ribbons, which will be used to decorate the muff and make it interesting for someone’s hands.
The twiddle muff should be around 30cm wide, with the knitting length twice as long to make the lining. You begin by casting on 60 stitches if your wool is light, or a suitable number to provide a knitted width of around 30 cm. The muff sizes will naturally vary, which is absolutely fine.
Why not try making your own twiddle muffs?
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