practice meditation

7 applications with which to practice meditation comfortably

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Practice meditation– Stress-resistance is one of the main factors that affect the quality of our life. Regular emotional stress worsens sleep, leads to obesity and does not allow you to enjoy the professional activity. If you encounter such difficulties, then try to learn meditation. Here are some of the best smartphone apps that will help you.

Meditation is a technique aimed at achieving a state of inner concentration and rest. In some cases, meditation is not called a technique, but a certain altered state of consciousness, which can be achieved using a special algorithm. Currently, the practice of meditation is popular among those who want to find an effective means to confront stressful situations, get a health effect and other undeniable advantages for the body.

The best place for meditation is a place where a person can stay alone. Turn off the phone, make sure no one disturbs you. The room should be well ventilated and the floor clean. When one meditates, one breathes deeply. The inhalation of dust does not benefit the health. If there is an opportunity to conduct meditation in the fresh air, rather than indoors, then it is better to go to nature. It is believed that it is better to practice meditation in the same place. So a person is easier to tune in and practice is easier and more successful.

Calm Practice meditation

 best Practice meditation

This app immediately after the launch meets users with soothing nature sounds. Then you can choose a suitable meditation session for your situation. Some of them are available for free, but in the application, there is also paid content. The duration of the sessions is 10-15 minutes, so Calm can be used even in the middle of the working day. Although Practice meditation is useful to everyone without exception, special attention is paid to the female body. Studies of specialists from Chicago confirmed that regular practices help in many times to successfully overcome breast cancer, including through a psychological effect, which is one of the main factors of successful treatment. Meditation is a practice that is accessible to everyone, including those who are just starting to learn the rules for conducting sessions. There is a huge number of different types of meditation, each of which is aimed at achieving a specific goal. Therefore, among them, everyone can find a suitable technique that positively influences the body. Read more: 5 personal data that you leave on your cell phone and maybe you never noticed

Stop, Breathe & Think

idea Practice meditation

This application independently selects for users meditation sessions based on their emotional and physical state. For this, you need to pass a small test. As for the sessions themselves, most of them are based on breathing exercises. Awareness is one of the key concepts of meditation, and awareness of one’s own body may be required later for mastering other techniques of Practice meditation. To perform the technique it will be necessary not only to reach a certain degree of concentration but also to show maximum attention to one’s own body. Read more: The 4 Best Android Tablet For Lovers of Reading and Multimedia Content

Simple Habit

a Practice meditation

Simple Habit offers users a huge collection of completely free meditation sessions for all occasions. Exercises do not require maximum concentration, so you can meditate while doing other things. The duration of the sessions is on average 20 minutes.


top Practice meditation

The application Aura meets users with a direct question about their health. This allows you to find suitable exercises, so it’s worth it, to be honest. Sessions last only a few minutes, after which it is recommended to go to the section with relaxing audio recordings.


the Practice meditation

This application offers users fairly short Practice meditation sessions that last no longer than 10 minutes. In each of the sections available for 1 session for free, so you can see their effectiveness even before buying a premium version of the application.

Smiling Mind

best Practice meditation

This application was developed specifically for students and students. Also, Smiling Mind has sessions for educators and teachers. Most exercises focus on concentration and relaxation after intellectual activity.

Insight Timer

better practice meditation

Insight Timer offers users thousands of different Practice meditation sessions for free. Developers daily add new content to their service, so you can not worry that the sessions will ever end. The application provides a convenient search system that allows you to quickly find a suitable session. lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. Later, when a person learns to concentrate, it can be gradually extended to 20-30 minutes and longer. The duration of meditative practices inexperienced people can be from 30 to 90 minutes and longer.


Anyone can start meditating, but the main thing that will really help to feel the positive impact of these classes is not only to follow the chosen technique accurately but also to focus on the result and regularity of the lessons (even if something did not work out the first time ). In this case, it is possible to learn how to meditate properly and with benefit to the mind and health.

The main purpose of Practice meditation is to disconnect from a heap of thoughts that constantly harass a person and prevent him from truly relaxing. It is generally believed that a person rests from everyday life and relaxes in a dream, but even at the moment when we sleep, the brain continues to process the information that came to it earlier, and it is difficult to talk about complete relaxation here. That’s why a person often sees in a dream what bothers him in real life, whether it’s problems at work, financial difficulties or disloyalty in relationships with loved ones. Needless to say, after such dreams, it is hardly possible to feel relaxed and rested. When a person begins to master the techniques of meditation deeper, he can be amazed at the number of thoughts that are constantly disturbing the mind. Ability to get rid of all these thoughts and leads to relaxation during meditation, and also improves the resistance of a person to stressful situations. Increase in concentration.

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