Five things change of ownership for a vehicle
If you have sold or bought a vehicle that is already registered, you must make the change of ownership obligatorily, it is a simple procedure that we already explained how it was done in the post: Change the ownership of a vehicle; but to which you must pay close attention, because not meet all the requirements may be subject to penalty. The transfer (or change of ownership) is a process that certifies the process of counter-sale of a vehicle and guarantees that the new owner will acquire all rights and responsibilities of the car.
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Things to keep in mind before selling or buying. The change is made in the Register of the General Directorate of Traffic and is requested at the Traffic Headquarters of the corresponding city.
If you sell your vehicle
When the sale is between individuals, do not deliver the car without the original purchase contract and the identity card of the buyer, it is very important. If you decide to deliver it with the purchase you must demand the invoice and a photocopy of the ID or CIF if it is a company, this will have to be included on the invoice. You have to indicate to the buyer that within 15 days he sends you a copy of the registration certificate stating that the vehicle is already in his name. If you have not received this document within the indicated period, you will have to go to the Traffic Department on the DGT website to communicate that you have sold the vehicle, this is called the sales notification process. You have to take into account a detail that is very important, and it is to write down in the contract of sale the hour and the minutes in which you deliver the vehicle, why to do this? To avoid possible fines from radars or other types of fines that will continue to arrive as long as there is no change of ownership in the Vehicle Registry.
If you are the buyer of the vehicle
First of all, if you buy a vehicle, you must register it in your name in the Vehicle Registry of the DGT. If you have purchased in the vehicle in a sale, this is the one that normally will be responsible for carrying out the management, making your delivery of the Vehicle Technical Inspection Card and the registration certificate already in your name. If you are going to buy a private car, you have to keep the sales contract, a photocopy of the seller’s ID, the request to change of ownership of the vehicle signed by the buyer and seller, and the car’s documentation.
If the vehicle is a dealer
In the event that you buy the vehicle at a dealership, it is this one that is responsible for carrying out the management and gives you the Technical Inspection Card of the Vehicle change of ownership and the registration certificate already in your name.
Vehicle change of ownership by donation
This case does not differ much from the others, you must also go to the Headquarters of the General Directorate of Traffic that corresponds to you. The difference of this change by donation lies in the taxes that must be paid before making the modification and go to the Traffic Headquarters where the change will be effective. The donation requires a higher rate payment (especially high if there is no kinship between the donor and the donor) as property transfer taxes. You have to make sure that the car you receive in donation is not pending payment of penalties, has no debts and is up to date with the payment of the Circulation Tax.
Change of ownership over the Internet
The transfer or change of ownership can be done through the Internet, but like any procedure, you need the electronic certificate that proves your identity. You can get it through the electronic DNI issued by the General Directorate of the Police or through the digital certificate issued by the National Currency and Stamp Factory. You can perform this procedure from home at any time of the day and with total reliability, the steps to follow are simple and you can find them in the “procedures” section of the DGT website. If you have already bought the vehicle, you need to hire a car insurance, to get the best at the best price and with all the necessary coverages, it is best to compare before hiring at lapoliza.com among the best companies.
Whether you sell or buy, or if you receive a vehicle as part of an inheritance, an essential requirement to complete the operation is the change of ownership. The change of ownership, or also called transfer, is nothing more than the process that certifies the process of buying and selling a vehicle and guarantees that the new owner will acquire both the rights and responsibilities on the car.
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