What type of knitting should I learn?
When starting out learning how to knit and complete knitting projects, there is a wealth of available books, tutorials, and online resources available, that teach a variety of techniques. It is important to note that there are many different styles and variations when it comes to knitting, the most common being English knitting (or American knitting/throwing) and Continental knitting. There are also less well-known methods, such as combination, Portuguese or lever knitting.
Comparing the two more common forms of knitting, there are several differences between the stitches, tension, and projects. According to The Spruce Crafts.
English knitting
English knitting is also known as throwing, as it involves “throwing” the yarn over the needle with the right hand to form a stitch. For the same reason, some may also believe that this type of knitting is more suitable for those who are right-handed (although it is perfectly possible to learn this technique with either leading hand). This method is most commonly used in England, America and certain parts of Europe.
Continental Knitting
Continental knitting involves using the index finger of the left hand to assist the needle in picking up a new stitch. Continental knitting may be easier to master by those who are already able to crochet, due to the similarities in techniques. Likewise, some may also say that continental knitting is easier for those who are left handed, since the yarn is held by the left hand.
There are advantages to learning both styles of knitting, especially for those who are prone to problems with the wrist and fingers or who suffer from repetitive strain injuries. The ability to alternate between both leading hands whilst completing projects creates less stress on the joints. A great way to begin a starter knitting project is with knitting kits that contain everything you need for your first project, as well as a handy instructional guide to explain each stitch in detail.
Basic scarves and blankets make an ideal starter project for either style of knitting or you can explore specialists such as https://www.woolcouturecompany.com/collections/knitting-kits for more inspiration on starter pieces. Further information on styles, techniques, projects and resources can be found online.
Whatever project or technique is chosen, there is no right or wrong and it is purely down to personal style and preference. Further skills and techniques can be added as your confidence and speed improve.
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