6 qualities of a great training professional
Good trainers deliver the training that they have been contracted to deliver. Great trainers impart knowledge with style and passion, delivering a memorable and enjoyable experience for the attendees.
To become the great trainer that you want to be, prioritising your own personal development is a great place to start. Train the trainer courses, such as www.collegeofpublicspeaking.co.uk/courses/train-the-trainer-courses are specifically designed to teach you to adapt your delivery to suit any training situation, always delivering a confident and compelling performance. At these courses, you will develop the following six personal qualities.
1. Planning.
You will learn how to plan your client engagement to maximise the effectiveness of the training that you deliver. You will learn how to prepare your venue and practice strategies for adapting to unexpected events.
2. Perseverance.
You will learn how to be flexible in your delivery, modifying your style and language to suit the individual learning styles of individuals on your courses. You’ll learn to manage challenging individuals and persevere to ensure a successful outcome.
3. Focus.
You must be able to maintain focus when faced with adversity, and this includes navigating and managing complex group dynamics whilst achieving your own and the trainees’ individual course aspirations and training needs.
4. Passion.
You must be passionate about the subject that you are teaching, have relevant and up-to-date experience and be prepared to substantiate your knowledge with on-the-job examples and scenarios. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the downsides of any particular industry but always bring it back to how your training can help trainees to overcome the obstacles that they face and emerge stronger.
5. Presentation.
You need to engage with your audience in a way that encourages participation. Be aware of your own body language, the way in which you move about the room, the language that you use and the technology that supports you. The Powerpoint heavy presentations of old are proven to be ineffective, so if you need to use technology, design it in such a way that it supplements, not repeats, the lesson that you are imparting.
6. Evaluation.
Ensuring that all training objectives have been achieved and documented is essential for client satisfaction. Challenging yourself to identify areas of improvement will help you to continuously develop your own skills whilst acknowledging where you have improved your delivery will maintain your motivation and enthusiasm.
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