How do medicines become available in the UK?
Each day, thousands of people will take or buy medication of one description or another. Whether this is drugs to control a particular medical condition or perhaps ad hoc medicines to help with a headache or muscle pain, the UK drug industry is massive. It is one that we all rely heavily upon.
Medicines are usually produced based on a market need. This might be the result of a gap in the market for a drug to help with a specific medical condition or ailment or a result of finding new alternatives that are safer and have fewer side effects than existing older medications. When you need to train staff in the Safe handling of medication, go to www.tidaltraining.co.uk/health-and-social-care-courses/safe-handling-medication-training
For medications to get to the stage where they are ready for commercial manufacture, they will have been through several processes, including their trial use on participants in clinical studies. The drugs will be used for a particular condition, and the participants in the survey will be closely monitored to look at any possible side effects, as well as the results on their needs, either positive or negative. These results will then inform whether the drug will be produced in mass.
Another part of the development process involves applying for a licence following the positive results of the clinical studies. The licences are complex, and the clinical studies and drug manufacturers must adhere to high and stringent quality and safety standards. As a part of the licence, there will be a recommended dosage that should be taken and the medical conditions that the drug is licenced to be used for.
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