How to know what is the best formula milk for a baby
Today I propose to know better everything that surrounds formula milk. Most women do not usually have problems breastfeeding, But there are many who cannot do it for various reasons and decide to resort to formula milks for their feeding. There are hundreds of reasons for a mother to choose this type of feeding for her baby.
Common reasons that substitute breast milk for formula milk
- Mastitis: it is the inflammation of the chest and can be accompanied by infection, usually caused by common skin bacteria such as Staphylococcus aurous. Due to inflammation, the galactophores ducts are compressed, causing pain.
- Breast congestion: it is the retention of the milk, and it can be primary or secondary.
- Premature baby: some of its functions, such as the sucking reflex, are not fully developed. The fact that he is innate does not mean that a term born baby has the same strength as a premature baby, he sucks more weakly.
- Labor matters: there are many times when the mother has to return quickly to work after childbirth. And does not have enough time to take the shot every two or three hours. Here the family plays a fundamental role. Since it is the one that can help the mother with the baby. And in this case, feed her with formula milks.
- Own choice: each woman knows what are the impulses that move her in life and the reasons she has for choosing this type of feeding for her baby. The fact of making this decision does not belittle their value as mothers, much less their children will be poorly fed. It is simply a personal decision.
Because the small organism of babies is not yet prepared to digest normal cow’s milk like the one we drink in adults or older children. The formula milk we choose cannot be of any kind. Even so, they are usually made from cow’s milk as it resembles breast milk. Although with the deficit of the protective substances of the immune system. They are industrially modified to adapt them to the needs of the newborn.
Advantages of formula milk
Among the advantages of using formula milks, we can find that the mother has all the freedom of the world and does not need to be with her child 24 hours a day. In addition, you can take any medication and can drink alcohol without risk of damaging the baby’s health. And it also makes the care and upbringing of the baby shared with the rest of the family, strengthening the paternal-filial ties.
Disadvantages of formula milk
As disadvantages we could mention the lack of protective substances of the immune system that does present in breast milk. And the need for maximum hygiene of the bottles. In addition it is an economic expense for the family since it is necessary to buy it. The baby is more at risk of suffering allergies or intolerances and it is harder for him to digest it. So that hypo, belching can appear , regurgitation or constipation.
Types of baby milk powder
We will know the different types of milk powder or formula for babies that we can find in the market:
- Starting milks: the baby can take it from birth to approximately 6 months. Since it will be the only food you are going to take until food diversification begins, milk must cover all your energy and nutritional needs.
- Continuation milks: they are recommended from 6 months of age until the year of life. Its composition is intermediate between cow’s milk and breast milk, and should provide 50% of the infant’s daily requirements.
- Special milks: they are designed specifically for those babies who suffer from any pathology or disorder related to the absorption, digestion of food. Within this group we find:
- Lactose-free milk: aimed at children with lactose intolerance due to lactase enzyme deficiency. Lactose is replaced by another type of carbohydrate.
- Soy formulas: they do not contain lactose either, and their proteins do not come from cow’s milk, but from soy. It is usually used by vegetarian families, children with lactose intolerance and children with allergy to cow’s milk protein. They are enriched.
- Anti-constipation milk: with beneficial probiotics that help the baby’s digestive system.
- Anti- regurgitation formulas: for those babies with gastroesophageal reflux or regurgitation. These milks are thickened to reduce reflux.
- Formulas for premature infants and newborns of low weight: they must cover the requirements of the third trimester of pregnancy and provide the necessary elements for the proper development of the digestive system. They contain a mixture of vegetable and dairy fats and are enriched with iron.
- Suitable formulas in metabolic errors: they are specifically developed for babies with metabolic diseases by default in the functioning of an enzyme.
- Thoroughly hydrolyzed formula: proteins are broken down into smaller molecules that are easier to digest. They are usually used in babies with allergies or with difficulty absorbing nutrients.
- Formulas for heart disease: there are special formulas for babies with heart disease, poor absorption syndromes and problems digesting fat or processing some amino acids.
- Breast milk fortifier: it is used for those breastfed babies with special needs.
There are rigorous controls regarding the quality and safety of the preparations, so we can be confident that what we are giving our baby is safe. The USA Society of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the Scientific Committee of Food of the USA Commission have been in charge of establishing the recommendations on the composition of the different formula milks, whether starting or continuing:
Milk proteins
Milk is the product of secretion of the mammary gland that is produced in the females of mammals and is aimed at feeding newborns. Each species produces milk adapted to the particular needs of their young. It is essential in breastfeeding but, due to the contribution of proteins of high biological value, its consumption is of great importance during all stages of life.
Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are like the links that make up a chain that would be the protein. According to the combination and proportion of these amino acids there are several types of proteins that have specialized functions.
The amount of protein in milk is different depending on the species in question. L in cow’s milk proteins appear 3.50 g per 100 ml. In human milk appear 1.10 gr per 100 ml.
Casein comprises several types of molecules that are alpha-casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein and gamma-casein. They are solid particles that remain in suspension. In cow’s milk it is the most abundant protein, constituting 80% of the total of its proteins. In human milk they constitute 40%, and there is neither alpha nor gamma casein.
The beta-lactoglobulin is a protein not found in human milk, but in cow’s milk. When the milk is boiled, this protein is part of the cream layer that appears on the surface. It can pass into human milk through cow’s milk ingested in the mother’s diet.
The alpha-lactalbumin is a protein that promotes the binding of glucose with galactose to lactose synthesis. It is found in both cow’s and human’s milk. It is part of the layer of cream that appears on the surface of boiled milk.
The lactoferrin is a protein red iron due to which it is attached. It has an important antibacterial and antifungal defensive function. Since it alters the wall of the microorganisms causing their death and also fixes the iron in the middle by taking it away from them. Which already lack it for proliferation. It seems that it also acts by protecting the mammary gland.
Lactoperoxidase is an almost nonexistent protein in human milk, but very abundant in saliva. It is also very abundant in cow’s milk. It is an enzyme with defensive function that in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, from microorganisms or produced by other enzymes, catalyzes the formation of a series of substances with great antimicrobial power.
Immunoglobulins are proteins that recognize structures foreign to the organism. Such as the membranes of microorganisms, and bind to them allowing them to be destroyed by the immune system. They are very abundant in colostrum and less in milk.
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