What is muscle hypertrophy and how is it achieved?
Muscle hypertrophy-The muscle growth process is an extremely complex equation, in which different factors such as satellite cell proliferation, my ostatin secretion, inflammatory processes, fiber quality, genes, intracellular fluid and hormonal levels act. However, it can be summarized in three easy to understand factors, which we will put into practice to force the development of muscle mass.
Muscle hypertrophy: mechanical tension
When enough effort is made to overcome a resistance, the muscle gains strength, and more strength more resistance can be overcome and the muscle gradually adapts to overcome these efforts.
 Metabolic stress
At the cellular level, there are other processes that promote hypertrophy, for example hypoxia, the accumulation of lactate, inflammations, the accumulation of myokines, etc. This translates for example with occlusion workouts, hyperprotein feeding, maximum effort in certain exercises, etc. That is, external factors that generate cellular stress.
Balance between both
The mechanical tension itself; create a metabolic stress effect, but this will be insufficient to create hypertrophy, that is, you will gain a lot of strength with little muscle. On the other hand, if cellular stress is enormous but resistance is not overcome, you increase muscle mass without gaining strength or definition.
To understand it better, maximum weight lifts in a few repetitions generate mechanical tension, instead multiple sets of repetitions of average weight lifting generate muscle mass.
Why calisthenics and not weights for ectomorphs?
An ideal way to gain the ideal balance is to perform exercises with your own weight, such as calisthenics, TRX , Fullbody exercises, etc. But as you can imagine, if you are very thin, your body weight does not generate too much mechanical stress, and not enough metabolic stress to reach hypertrophy.
This does not mean that the solution is to devote to the weights, because the mechanical tension may not be enough to help you gain the necessary strength you need to lift the weight that will make you hypertrophy.
So how to compensate for this failure? It simply adds weight to the body.
How do I add more weight?
You can wear weighted vests, anklets, kettlebells, ask another person to sit on you, or allow you to carry it, etc. There are many creative ways to increase resistances: how to carry a backpack on your back with encyclopedias, hang plastic bottles with sand, and as you grab strength, you will see that your muscles also develop with extra effort, so your weight is it will increase progressively.
Fit Nature Recommendations
You must have more patience and discipline, genetically your body resists hypertrophy, so it will take longer and require more effort to achieve results. Being a more complex process, we recommend executing a personalized plan. If you do not have help in that regard, you can go to our bodybuilding center in Madrid and receive your first free consultation, or purchase our ectomorph plan.
Exercises to increase muscle mass in women
Do you want to gain muscle? A good diet, sufficient sleep and basic exercises will be your salvation. We give you some keys to get a body 10 without making an unsurpassed effort (or die trying).
When one of us intends to increase muscle mass, it is quite likely that we will not receive all the support we would like. Voices will be raised that will want to demotivate us saying that it is too complicated to achieve. On the contrary, others will be raised to whom the first image that comes to mind is that of a woman with an imposing physique, and this will cause them to laugh.
People tend to speak from ignorance, so first of all, you should know that if you want to feel better about yourself, fight for it even if the road is not easy. It is obvious that women have a harder time than men to gain muscle mass because our testosterone levels are much lower. This hormone is responsible, among other things, for increasing muscle mass.
It is important that before starting an exercise routine  that allows us to hypertrophy, that is, the increase in muscle mass, we are with a low percentage of fat, since after the increase comes the muscle definition phase.
The use of the weights is essential, and it is more advisable that the weight we choose is high than the repetitions we perform per series. Warning! Nor do you load with a weight that does not allow you to perform the exercise correctly.
The food is another key factor in the whole process. A hypercaloric diet is recommended, that is, one that contains a greater energy intake than what our body needs. You will gain weight but in a healthy way.
Squat with weights
The Squats are exercises perfect for everything. They are very effective in helping to gain muscle in the legs. We can do them with dumbbells to work the lower train even more.
TRX for the arms
To increase the muscles of the arms and back, working with the TRX is ideal to achieve it. Stretching the leg the difficulty of the exercise is greater, but the most optimal results.
Dumbbell Chest Press
To gain muscle mass in the arms and strengthen the muscles of the chest is important to practice chest presses with dumbbells. You have to start with little weight and increase it over time. We can do it in the gym, or at home, lying on our back on a mat and with some dumbbells.
The paddle is perfect for gaining muscle in the arms, legs and endurance work, as well as increase strength back.
Squat with stride and weight
The squat with stride and weight tones the legs, strengthens the arms and helps gain muscle in the limbs.
A good exercise to gain muscle in the legs and work the quadriceps is to roll forward. We can do it in the gym machine oriented to that function or at home, sitting in a chair, with a straight back and lifting a heavy object with the legs forward.
Dumbbell exercises
Dumbbells and frontal elevations are very effective exercises to gain muscle in the arms and strengthen the shoulders.
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