How to apply for a Tourist Visa for the USA
Embassy of the USA, procedure for the personal interview
Visiting the United States, just for pleasure can be an enriching experience. There is a wide variety of interesting activities to do and things to see. However, the Government of the United States requires that all visitors who remain for a prolonged period of time have to apply for a tourist visa. To complete this process you should review some of these points:
Learn about the necessary preparations to obtain a tourist visa in the United States. Not only do you have to be a person who visits the country for pleasure to qualify. The tourist visa is granted to those who seek American colleges and universities, who visit sports teams, voluntary programs of charitable organizations, receiving medical treatments or to attend a convention.
Visit the United States website in the visa application section. You can do this either by typing in the search parameters in a search engine.
Complete the application online. This may take about an hour and requires you to provide information about your current residence and plans to travel across the United States.
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You must have a precise plan of your timeline and planned trips. While not all applicants are required to disclose this information, it is a rational plan to have these documents prepared in case you are asked to do so. This will also help the visa department know how long your tourist visa is issued.
Also, prepare for a security clearance. Border security is in a high state in the United States which means that it may be necessary to submit personal information in order for your background to be investigated. This process can take a great amount of time and it is advisable to apply a lot before forecasting your trip for tourist visa.
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