content marketing strategy

4 steps in a content marketing strategy

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The content marketing strategy part of Inbound Marketing is the art of understanding exactly what they need to know your customers and deliver relevant and compelling manner; it consists of creating and distributing relevant content for clients and potential clients with the aim of attracting them to the company and connecting with them. It is not, therefore, promotional content, but useful and relevant to users.

Content marketing strategy is part of a strategy to add value before asking for anything in return. Read more: 7 good practices for optimizing conversion online marketing

There are many ways to take advantage of our content; we can do it through a Blog, a newsletter or a webinar.

The most important question we have to ask ourselves when establishing a strategy in content marketing is,  what is it that interests our target audience?

Blew the 4 steps in a content marketing strategy

Content planningcontent marketing strategy

The main objective of most Content Marketing strategies is Leads Generation or Customer Acquisition.

The first step will be to investigate the keywords by which visitors come to our site and see what their preferred content is. There are several tools that can help us find those keywords that are going to be the most demanded and that will give us the clues to know what kind of content we have to offer.

Another way to know what type of content the user demands are constant monitoring through social networks to find trends and current issues within our niche or sector. Read more: 10 Internet Sales and Business Strategies for Online Marketing

Content optimizationcontent marketing strategy

Once we have generated the ideas in the previous phase, and we have found those keywords that tell us where we should direct our content, it is time to know where and how we have to place those keywords that our users demand.

In the case of a blog, these keywords must be used both in the titles and in the subtitles and in the body of the content. We must write articles of more than 300 words and use the appropriate labels so that our content is clearly identified.

Something highly valued by both users and search engines to place ourselves in the top positions is the creation of original content.

Once we have the content, what we should get now are visits to our content.

Links to your contentcontent marketing strategy

It is essential today to share our content on social networks by facilitating it through the installation of the corresponding buttons and widgets on our website and on our blog.

Sharing is also on Linkedin and Facebook groups or in Google Plus communities will help us to increase visibility since each time a user shares our content creates a link back to it.

Find the influencers and establish relationships with them. The objective will be to gain incoming links from these influencers to your page.

Analysiscontent marketing strategy

The measurement is fundamental to know if what we do is working or not and to establish next steps. We have to measure everything we do and eliminate those things that do not work.

It is essential within a content marketing strategy to talk with our users, listen and collect feedback to know what they need.

Strategies based on content marketing always require more time than strategies based on another type of marketing, but once we have developed a good strategy with our content, the public we have managed to attract and retain becomes our best asset at a cost lower than other types of marketing such as traditional advertising.


Content marketing strategy has different levels, from the most creative in which the whirlwind of ideas arises to the most strategic phase that will lead to the unique and effective customer experience. The lines that separate social media, public relations and optimization in search engines are diffuse and therefore companies must provide a new approach to the development and promotion of their content.

Content in digital marketing can be created in the form of blogs, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts or images, among other options. Decisions in this regard are very important if you want to achieve success, for which a strong organization is necessary as well as the investment of time and talent.

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