The definitive manual for a perfect beard
Unless you have spent the past three years in a hole in Siberia, you have probably noticed that the perfect beard is fashionable. Musicians (young and old), Hollywood actors, models, TV characters, in short: suddenly, the coolest part of the world seems to be a tree harvester or a ship or a book by Jules Verne. However, although fashion makes it look easy, wearing a beard is an art, which bearded men do not usually confess for fear of losing something of their macho image. But it is time to break the secrecy: here is everything you should know and what you should do (or not do) to wear a perfect beard.
First things first: is the perfect beard for you?
Yes, it’s fashionable; Yes, it seems that just throw away all the shaving instruments one day and that’s it. But it is much more complicated than that. First, there is the physical part: if you are hairless, let it go and focus on the hair of your head (no, although the internet ads tell you something else, there are no miraculous products that make facial hair grow). Second, there is the disciplinary part: leaving your beard and carrying it with dignity is a daily exercise: it involves washing, cutting, spreading, investing in products and services. If you are not willing to dedicate all that to your beard, better afeitate daily. Really: you will avoid many headaches. Read more:Â Straight haircut: a look that will succeed!
How to choose the right perfect beard for you?
Do you remember that at school you thought that mathematics was never going to help you? Well, news: the type of beard that works best for your face depends on the result of an arithmetic operation. Attention:
- Measure your face from the birth of your hair to your chin.
- Divide that measure by three and record the result. To this extent let’s call it “facial third”
- Now measure the distance between your chin and the tip of your nose. The difference between the facial third and this one is important, because:
If the nose-chin measurement is 5 millimeters larger than the facial third, your face is elongated. Avoid the long beard, especially on the chin. If the nose-chin measurement is 5 millimeters smaller than the facial third, your face is oval. Any type of beard will suit you, but the three-day one will highlight your features. If the nose-chin measurement is less than the facial third by more than 5 millimeters, your face is round. Use your well-marked beard to reinforce your features. A goatee or a long beard work. If the facial third and nose-chin are the same, you have a square face. You already have balanced facial features (this is the face that best looks without a beard), but, since you insist: avoid beard styles with very marked limits (such as goatee) and opt for a mustache better. Four. These measurements are assuming that the distance between your cheekbones is equal to or greater than that between your temples. If the opposite happens to you, your face has the shape of a heart. Here the key is little volume at the sides, longer beard towards the chin, to give more strength to the chin. keep reading  Haircuts for square face about 5 things
Beard 3Â How to start?
It depends what kind of perfect beard you want, but before giving it shape and style, you should let it grow. The first five or six days without shaving are even pleasant: you will feel liberated and wild. But after a week the itching will start, and the people you greet with a kiss will complain that spades. If you are able to resist the pressure at this stage to shave, you will have passed a major obstacle.Around week three the itching will have subsided, but two things will happen: first, you will begin to look bad; even really bad. This happens because your beard, like your hair, has swirls that only reveal themselves until the hair grows. In addition, facial hair is usually rougher than that of the head. When you take about a month without shaving, you will notice that you look like a primate of the ugliest. Fortunately, that is fixed with the second thing that will happen to you: you will have to start applying care that you never thought to use for your face. Now is when the rough work begins.
Basic care
The perfect beard, no matter how long, is not sent alone. In the early stages of your facial hair adventure, you have to set limits and shave the hair that looks bad. This involves defining the line of the neck (generally, it is a smooth curve from the jaw to Adam’s apple, shaving everything that is below that) and defining the line under the cheekbones (this can go as free as you want, but the It is advisable to draw a line from the temple, at the height of half an ear, to where the mustache ends, between your cheekbone and this line, there should be a finger or a finger and a half, if you leave more space, you run the risk of looking like a star. of bachata). This cut should do it at least twice a week, with rake or razor, as flush as you can.
How to keep the beard short
The word is discipline. Establish a system to trim your beard: define how often you will do it, what blades of the machine you will use in each part, and so on.
Every beard (like any scalp) usually looks better two or three days after receiving a cut. Even the three-day beard (which will actually be five … well, you understand).
It is impossible to keep a short beard with scissors, so make sure that your razor is the best you can get. That has a wide repertoire of blades, that can be cleaned and oiled easily (avoid those that do not need oil: they tend to stop working more quickly).
Get a hairdresser’s scissors. Brush your beard in the opposite direction of growth, until it is all bristly. Then, with the back of the comb, lower it back to its natural sense, gently, so that it is “sponged”. You will see that some hairs are “crazy” with others. Cut them to the desired length. Once you have finished with all those hairs, repeat: brush up, down, cut. Do this three times per side. Important 1: Never cut several hairs in a single snip. This is how the uneven beards are born. Important 2: Never cut with the scissors tucked in the beard perpendicular, but parallel to your skin. Important 3: Never cut your beard or just awake or freshly bathed. Do it before the shower: wet it well, dry it with a towel, and let it run for a few minutes until it dries well.The process of cutting or blunting your perfect beard can take between ten minutes and an hour and a half, depending on what you want to do. This technique is also used to shape the perfect beard. You just have to follow this procedure over and over again until you reach the desired length in each part. For the mustache: brush it down and cut following the curve of your upper lip. 3. The perfect symmetry in the beard does not exist; the scandalous asymmetry, yes. So, instead of looking for the first one, hide from the second one.
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