What Is Compression Moulding?
What is compression moulding? Well, it is a process of moulding where a substance, usually metal, plastic or rubber is first put in an extremely hot chamber, usually a heated oven, and then placed into an airtight, sealed mould cavity. The air-tight seal helps to prevent moisture from leaking in and out of the mould, keeping the area dry for as long as it is in use. During this time the moulding material can be heated by an electric or gas source, depending on the type of moulds you are using. The amount of time and effort required to complete the process depends on the type of moulds used, and the material that is being moulded, as well as the size of the cavity itself.
There are several different types of compression moulds available for the purpose of moulding plastic, stainless steel, rubber and other metals. These include direct air compressed moulds, indirect air compressed moulds and wet moulds. Compressors can also be used to help speed up the process of moulds being made. Different types of machines may also be used to speed up the process, such as roller mill machines, rotary machinery, even a lathe. For Rubber Moulding UK, visit a site like Meadex, suppliers of Rubber Moulding UK
All different types of moulds require different techniques to make them. Depending on the type of metal that is to be moulded, the pressure and temperature used for compressing the material will be different. Whatever you are looking to do, compression moulding will help you with your project, no matter what kind of material you have in mind.
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