Rules to follow before applying activated charcoal mask
Skin problems can disturb in some age, and some people, the blackheads on the nose and enlarged pores do not leave forever. If lotions and creams do not help, then return to the skin a healthy and radiant appearance and self-confidence helps to activated charcoal. Mask with activated charcoal can be done independently and inexpensively. But you will need to follow some rules before applying activated charcoal mask.
Indications and contraindications
The indications for use are those signs:
- Outbreaks of inflammation on the face: acne, acne;
- Pores blocked due to lack of beauty treatments;
- Oily skin;
- Unhealthy appearance, spots on the skin;
- Blackheads;
- The first age-related changes, facial wrinkles.
Contra, which are also important to consider before applying carbon masks:
- Allergy, sensitivity and idiosyncrasy active carbon components;
- Purulent or ulcerative lesions of the skin;
- Scratches, sutures or wounds;
- Bleeding on face;
- Applying the mask is strictly prohibited, after squeezing pimple state or black cork.
Please be aware that activated charcoal is not actively working on the skin, it absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful. Therefore, the therapeutic composition of the mask should always be mixed with other tablet components to a minimum, those substances that take coal have compensated the skin cells.
Conditions to use of activated carbon
If we stick to simple recommendations for the preparation and application of this adsorbent it can be achieved faster and the desired results, and skin improvement will come very soon.
- Prepare mask only needs fresh activated carbon tablets. According to its consistency such tablets easily crumble, in contrast to the old one;
- By itself, this component does not cause allergic skin reactions because it has a high anti-allergic activity. However, if you connect with the other components, you need to start testing the sensitivity.
- Completely get rid of pimples and blackheads can be the case if the mask applied to activated charcoal 1 time a week for 2 months. If the skin is problematic, then the procedure can be performed weekly twice.
- Experts of repeated therapeutic courses recommend repeating not earlier than 8 weeks.
- The effectiveness of the procedure is increased, if the pre-steam the skin with steam or warm towel.
- Additional ingredients in the mask only with carbon increase the efficacy of the therapeutic properties of coal. For example, gelatin, which remains after application on the skin as a thin. After its removal is removed and contamination toxins that are absorbed carbon.
- Activated charcoal masks are very easy to make, and a suitable recipe should be chosen based on your performance. If after several procedures, you notice that the skin condition improves, then the chosen method is suitable and can be used in the future.
- Any means of activated charcoal cannot apply on skin more than 20 minutes. Removed the mask is very simple – simple rinse with water and removed the film (if the presence of gelatin).
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