In praise of the Border Collie
Has there ever been a more hard working Dog than the Border Collie? Considered to be the most intelligent breed these beautiful black and white dogs are playful and energetic as well. They were bred purposefully to herd sheep due to their obedience and the fact that they like to fetch things. They were so entertaining that the BBC ran a television show called “One man and his Dog”, a sheep herding competition, for many years that gained a loyal and large fan base. The breed was also highlighted by the adventures of Shep and his owner John Noakes on the popular children’s television programme Blue Peter.
Such intelligent dogs deserve a nice collar and there is a wonderful selection of Designer Dog Collars can be found at the link provided.
If you’re looking at owning a collie then you should be prepared to get out more! Collie’s above all breeds need to be constantly exercising and on the go. They are not the type of Dog to sit around waiting for you, Collies have been bred for work and they certainly mean business. They are extremely loyal and fun loving and whilst they are still a working dog many of them make great pets.
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