effective review

Tips for an effective review

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That is why it is a wise business investment to schedule time for one-on-one effective review. The process – as mundane as it may seem initially – is known to improve workflow and employee retention. Done correctly, veterinarians may uncover untapped talent and useful management suggestions that would otherwise remain undiscovered. Furthermore, making the time to initiate goal-oriented conversations can enhance employee relationships and improve performance.

The School of Human Sciences of the Universidad del Rosario has published a series of Academic Quality Guides, which provide various tools and strategies to guide their students in their academic productions. One of these guides covers the writing of reading cards and reviews, texts that seek to describe and evaluate the writing of texts to facilitate their appropriation and discussion by students and teachers.

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Prepareeffective review

Preparation is key for successful effective review. Ask employees to complete self-evaluations that include their successes, challenges, and goals. Request that these be completed at least a few days prior to the meetings to allow time for your effective review. This initiates the evaluation process for both employers and employees, and the person conducting the meetings can isolate specific differences that need to be addressed between official effective review documents and employees’ self-reflection. It’s also important to create an agenda to guide each meeting as well as notes that include individual feedback and critiques. Speaking off the cuff increases the chance that you’ll miss key opportunities for feedback, and employees may mistake a laidback approach for a lack of regard for their success.

Remember That It’s a Conversationeffective review

The effective review involves an ebb and flow of feedback and suggestions between both parties — the veterinarian or manager should not recite a monologue. It’s also important for the interviewer to request feedback from the employee. Remain open-minded and understand that negative comments about practice culture or procedures should be viewed as constructive criticism and not an attack. In order to be meaningful, performance reviews should become one part of continuing discussions between managers and employees. Outside of formal sit-downs, make an effort to comment on employees’ hard work and follow up on any new processes or responsibilities that were prompted by the previous effective review.

How to approach the text effective review

The effective review is advisable to ask questions in order to discover what the text means and how it says it instead of only questioning what it says. Asking questions to texts is the best way to exercise the habit of critical reading and discover the secrets that hide their words. What is your objective, what is the central argument, how does this argument prove, and how can I answer the author and what can I conclude? These are some of the questions that will make us realize our level of understanding of the content. Once the text has been read and understood, it is advisable to generate a reading form with the answers to the questions above, but adding, in addition, data about the context in which the text was published: who was its author, where did he live, in what time was published; as well as correctly adding the corresponding bibliographic data. It is important to be concrete, clear and precise in the answers and affirmations, especially when it comes to quotes from others. After making a critical and profound reading of the text and completing the reading card, it is when you have the necessary tools to write an effective review. The recommended format, in this case, is that of the trial.

Reconstructive and critical effective revieweffective review

There are two types of effective review: the reconstructive, which describes the structure of a text; and criticism, which evaluates its content. To achieve a reconstructive review, the most practical thing is to take the information exposed in the reading from already made and use it to write a text. This text should be composed of three main parts: context, in which the text is placed in its corresponding circumstances in order to contextualize the reader; description, where the components of the text are discussed and the arguments and methodology of the text are exposed; and finally a closing that shows what consequences the publication of this text had and how it was taken in later discussions. Avoid at all costs summarize the content in detail. The critical effective review can be internal or external. Internal critical effective review: what is done is to value the way in which the author writes or how he presents his arguments: whether it is clear, precise, coherent, effective, etc. External critical effective review: the relationship between the work in question and its area of influence or knowledge is analyzed: what contributions it makes, what arguments it raises, how it uses its sources.

At the time of writing, it is essential to maintain seriousness, coherence and intellectual honesty regarding the text, especially when formulating personal opinions about the content. Finally, always remember to effective review the final product more than once and, if possible, request the opinion of someone you trust.

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