The best protection on the high seas
If you’ve ever had the pleasure of being on a cruise, or you’ve been told that you’re being taken on one your first thought will be what on earth do I wear. Maritime styles are extremely popular when it comes to the similar but are they actually practical when being taken on a round the world cruise. If you are headed out to the tropics or warmer climates you need to think about layering, if you’re headed to colder ones then you need to protect yourself. The thing about being on a boat or ship is that the sea can be a pretty unpredictable place. The weather can change very quickly and also move extremely fast. How can you be prepared with a wardrobe for that kind of thing, and still look devastatingly stylist trying to do it.
Luckily, help is at hand. Whilst it goes without saying that you will need a rugged outdoor coat of some description to keep out to the worst of the weather’s extremes there is also another option that has stood the test of time. Originally worn by fishermen on the Isles of Aran in Ireland, the cable knit Aran sweater could well be your answer.
Don’t be put off by the fishermen comment, womens aran sweater, like those from www.shamrockgift.com/aran-sweaters/womens-aran-sweaters/ are also available to purchase. They were designed to be warm, but also water resistant. Therefore, as you promenade along the central deck and the rain begins or a wave comes over the side, at least you know you’ll be snug and protected.
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