young entrepreneurs business

The Eight Best Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs Business Ideas

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In this post, I want to deal with the topic of ideas for young entrepreneurs business,e university students who are entering the labor market, to realize that there are not enough jobs, that pay is poor and the hours are arduous. The best thing in this case, and according to statistics, is that you try to start a business idea.

Young entrepreneurs business

BUSINESS BY INTERNETyoung entrepreneurs business

In the list of ideas for young entrepreneurs business, we have a business online. There are three reasons why I recommend this type of business for young people: first because they know very well how to use the computer and the internet, and the use of social tools such as facebook, twitter, etc.

Second, because it requires little investment; The key for the young entrepreneur business to succeed is to start small, and to grow little by little both in his experience and in the capital invested.

And three, it takes time, and that’s something that when you leave the university you have plenty. Read more: How to achieve a good coexistence

PET CAREyoung entrepreneurs business

In the United States, for example, more than 36 billion dollars are spent in the pet industry, from food to a dog therapist.

In Latin America, we have copied many of these habits, and this business idea for young entrepreneurs business is a platform to start an easy business.

Obviously, you need to like animals, and some ideas are the hotel for animals, where people who go on vacation leave them; walk to dogs; Haircut to animals, among others. The big advantage is that you can work from home.

VENDING MACHINESyoung entrepreneurs business

With a very small investment and the right contacts, you can start earning money automatically, by putting vending machines for cigarettes, condoms, food, drinks, coffee, etc., in areas where there is a demand.

For example, universities are suitable points to put this type of machines. The initial investment varies, depending on the machine. For example, a machine to sell cigars costs approx. $ 500 dollars, while an espresso machine can cost up to $ 5,000.

This business idea for young entrepreneurs is ideal for the talented seller (since you have to convince the owner of the establishment to put your machine at no cost in your store or establishment).


Young entrepreneurs business have an advantage over the rest of the population: they have an almost natural knowledge of technology. This is an advantage to take advantage of in a business.

  • For example, some business ideas may be:
  • Be a social media consultant (facebook, twitter, etc.) for companies
  • Make internet pages
  • Teach adults to use their computer

FREELANCEyoung entrepreneurs business

The freelance is to do jobs from programming, write articles, create a website, translate a document, or any work that can be sent online.

In this business idea for young entrepreneurs, it is not necessary any investment, but the capacity and time to develop the task.

For example, you will have to “auction” your work on a specialized page (such as, negotiate a price and time for delivery, develop the work and deliver it by mail.

GYM COACHyoung entrepreneurs business

Many young people are interested in everything that has to do with sports and their physique. This is a business opportunity to start your coach service.

There are several options in this case, from teaching a sport, to giving personalized training to lose weight.

It is advisable to have a relationship with the owner of the establishment, to be able to work at ease in the facilities, and both you and he recommend each other to customers.

TUTORIALS IN PREPAS OR UNIVERSITIESyoung entrepreneurs business

This business idea for young entrepreneurs is very common on the internet. I wanted to add it because it has its pros and cons.

On the one hand, it is ideal for those students who know the subject very well and can teach others to learn as well as to pass the class.

The disadvantage is that from my experience, those who pay for it do so by passing the test. That is, they do not want to study, but at the time of the exam, somehow you pass the answers.

FAMILY BUSINESSyoung entrepreneurs business

The alternative to starting a business of your own is to continue the family business. There are several situations that you have to take care of in this idea.

It is recommended that you have a good relationship with your family, be interested in the business, and have knowledge and skills to manage it. Many family businesses have gone bankrupt once the father passes the business to the child since he never learned what the business is.

Another alternative to continuing the family business is to diversify the business. That is, use the business as a platform to create new business models.

An example, let’s say that your family runs a bar. One way to diversify the business is to turn it into a restaurant in the morning, and at night handle the model of the bar. Or, for example, if he is a rocker, he can make events for his band at the bar.

Finally, in any of these ideas for young entrepreneurs business, it is essential that you develop your business plan. The main mistake of any businessman is not to do it if they do not see the real value of this: it allows you to know beforehand the business where you are going to invest your money. It’s that important.





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