Newborn shots
Newborn shots-One of the recurring problems in breastfeeding. When the healthy child is followed up in the consultation, is the contradiction between the recommendations. And what comes to the mother from almost all other fronts. The reality is that most people find it strange that breastfeeding is actually done on demand Newborn shots.
What are the newborn shots?
During its first six months of life, a newborn feeds on breast milk. Or failing that, treated artificial milk so that it has a similar composition to the breast. In case the mother presents some type of problem at the time of breastfeeding.
Being the only food that the baby can feed during this period. It is important to do it correctly and at the appropriate doses so that the baby can develop well.
Breastfeeding: when and how
The feeding begins from the moment the baby is born: after childbirth. It is recommended that the mother approached the head of the baby to the breast so that the first shot. With supervision and help of the medical professional who is in the parlor hall. In this first milk intake, the baby can suction vigorously due to the stress caused by the delivery. And it is common that after the first feeding he falls asleep for several hours.
From then on, the minimum number of daily milk shots to be given to a baby is eight. Although usually between 10 and 12. To breastfeed a baby. It is not necessary to establish a fixed schedule: when the newborn shots shows symptoms that he is hungry. It is a sign to start breastfeeding. Some of these symptoms may be:
- Put your hands or fingers in your mouth.
- Make movements similar to suction.
- Stick out your tongue and lick.
- To move from side to side.
- Critique: move the mouth in search of the chest.
- Cry: only when you are very hungry.
The Practical Guide for Parents of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics offers a series of guidelines for breastfeeding correctly. The position that the mother chooses to breastfeed may vary from that chosen by other mothers. But it has to be a comfortable posture for both her and her child.
The baby’s head should then be placed next to the breast, bringing her lips close to the nipple. The mouth should cover the entire nipple and most of the alveolar. And the tongue should be under the nipple. The lips have to protrude out.
It is important to allow the breast to empty to the fullest, since the milk that is expelled at the end contains more fat and satiates to a greater extent. Once all the milk is out, you can alternate with the other breast if the baby still wants more. In any case, you must alternate breast in the next shot.
There are indicators that the baby’s position is not correct, and they usually manifest in one of the following ways:
- Breast pain or cracking.
- The baby asks for the breast very often, or seems uneasy.
- The baby rejects the breast.
The shots usually last 10 to 15 minutes, and the time between one shot and another at the beginning is usually one to three hours. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the baby usually sucks about 90 percent of the milk stored in each of the shots.
The time between take and take will increase as the baby grows. It is important to let the nursing baby for as long as it needs, and remove it from the breast when it shows signs of having finished, such as turning your head or falling asleep.
Artificial milk and bottles
On some occasions and for various reasons, the mother cannot feed her baby through the breast, so she uses artificial milk that is administered through bottles. These milks not only cover the same needs as breast milk, but can also contain supplements to help fight diseases or disorders acquired by the baby.
During the first six months, the use of glass bottles is recommended as these allow the boiling of milk and avoid waste to a greater extent. The teats can be made of rubber or silicone. Both the bottle and the nipple should be washed with soap and hot water after each use.
The bottles must be prepared before each intake: the powdered milk is diluted in boiled or mineral water and adapted, which should be allowed to cool to 37 or 38 degrees. Once prepared, they can also be kept cold for up to 24 hours.
The instructions to give the bottle to the baby are made in a similar way to the guidelines for breastfeeding. The number of shots and their frequency will be in any case indicated by the pediatrician. In addition, it should be checked that the bottle nipple is full of milk and not air.
The Aped protocol on Healthy Newborn shots states that to know if a baby is drinking the right amount of milk, the following aspects must be met:
- Weight loss followed by an increase. In the first days, the baby will lose between six and ten percent of his weight, but after ten to 14 days he will recover it again, earning about 20 grams a day.
- The child sucks vigorously and seems relaxed at the end. Suction usually starts quickly and reduces in intensity as you go. The baby is swallowed. The suction lasts between 10 and 15 minutes.
- The mother notices the expulsion of milk and the emptiness of the breast.
- The baby wets the diaper four to six times a day from the fourth day.
- The depositions are between five or six times a day in a soft or two or three day abundantly.
- On the other hand, there are indicators that show that the baby is not getting enough food:
- The baby loses weight but does not recover it, or recovers it very slowly.
- Low volume of urine or bowel movements.
Finally, Newborn shots- in case the baby does not seem satisfied with the shots or rejects them frequently, it is recommended to consult with the pediatrician so that he determines a possible treatment to ensure that the child is fed correctly.
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